Cocosplate AI

Cocosplate is a text processing and spoken dialog system for company-local and intranet installations.
Download a free, time-limited evaluation version here.


What can it do for you?

Automate generative text tasks; The system provides a flexible and intuitive way to model your text processing tasks as workflows. You can use and combine different inputs and further process the output of generative models, this includes list processing, mailing, detection and filtering tasks. Cocosplate also supports timed processing respectively event based processing.

Anwer questions that a user sent in with an e-mail

Modern large language models are capable of answering questions on a topic by a context that you provided beforehand. By first checking if the topic matches and then applying the question on the topic the language model is capable of answering automatically without the need of a pre-training step. That way you can model an effective
customer-care for your own demands.

Pre-filter incoming messages to check whether automatic processing is feasible

Incoming messages may be checked the regular way and certain keywords are detected to determine how a text should be handled. Additionally sentiment detection helps to determine whether e.g. a customer is upset and a manual interaction would be better. With Cocosplate you are free to create a workflow that filters tailored to your needs even by requesting a topic detection from a language model.

Use lists of input text for bulk processing with mass interaction

List processing is possible so you can perform sentiment detection, use OpenAI’s ChatGPT api to create texts from it or even send a lot of e-mails at once and at the same time let the customer receiving your message click on an answer link that you can handle. Currently we support CSV as the intermediate format of structured input and output data. See the workflows ‘Search Engine Optimization of product descriptions’, ‘Double Opt-In‘ and ‘Sentiment Detection‘  in the example folder.

Design activity diagrams clearly depicting  how your text is processed

Cocosplate is not a programmer tool, it is intended to enable less-technical oriented staff, SEO folks and creatives of use the power of AI and improve their every day work by automatizing common tasks and visualizing their workflows e.g. of customer interaction in a way that is easily understood. It allows for flexible enhancements and modifications and always serves as a good base for discussion of the status quo.


  • Integrate modern large language-models into you existing infrastructure
    • supports API endpoint powered by OpenAI
    • allows using a Gpt4All based company-local installation with your custom llama2 model. Contact us for consultation.
  • Model your workflows without programming skills with an easy-to-use web user interface
  • Create crystal clear and easy-to-read diagrams of what happens in the workflow
  • Perform sentiment detection on text input and decide whether to automatically process a customer request or better handle it manually
  • Listen for incoming IMAP e-mail, decide whether a relevant answer can be given automatically
  • Support for text templates with variable replacement for bulk processing
  • CSV list processing to feed the AI model and create text transformations on datasets
  • Timed workflow execution using intervals or a certain time
  • Use Python in diagram bubbles to customize your workflow for any special requirements
  • Collaboratively use the server-installation in your browser

Cocosplate gives you the freedom to apply cutting-edge text processing technology in a clean and readable way.

Get more info and a license here..
You can request a free one-year license for non-commercial / non-profit sustainability projects.


Cloud & mobile applications, software development for individual needs

We develop Web Applications and native Android Apps with usability in mind. The front-ends are designed to fit into your application landscape with seamless integration with cloud-services.
Our technology stack is based on a model driven approach using Spring® and Vaadin. The software is suited for cloud deployment and is backed by microservices based on Spring Cloud and the Micronaut® framework.
