Cocosplate AI Setup

The normal, ‘modern’ installation for the server application is a docker setup, we also provide a regular windows setup mainly for evalation purposes, see below.

Set up with Docker

By using Docker you can easily setup and maintain an installation. Docker can be downloaded from for an installation on Windows or Mac OS X systems. If you are familar with Linux, you can use the Docker installation provided by your favorite distribution.

  1. Get the file and extract it
    you can validate the integrity by checking the sha256 sum 4d2f2beac05b4aa59c4578d4ffdce9cbcde608740f06759ba16dbaa18817aed4
  2. Start the system by issuing the following command in the cocosplate directory of the zip-file:
    docker compose up -d
  3. This will download the latest images and start the server.
  4. Open your browser on http://localhost:8081, it will show a login screen.

You can then log in with the username admin and the initial password Login-AI-Workflow-257 and test the system before obtaining a license.

Windows setup

The setup installs the system as a windows service and optionally sets up a PostgreSQL database. If you already have a database choose the installation without it otherwise the database installation is updated.
Download Windows Setup and start it to install the system on your Windows 10 or Windows 11 machine. You can then log in with the same username admin and the initial password Login-AI-Workflow-257 to evaluate the software.

Installation with PostgreSQL

This will install everything needed to successfully run Cocosplate AI. The PostgreSQL main password is set to ‘postgres’.

Installation without Database

This advanced setting requires some manual steps, after setup you may have to manually adjust the file cocosplate-ai.l4j.ini to specify the database credentials and host.

-Dspring.datasource.url=jdbc:postgresql://<database host>:5432/<database schema>

After changing the settings restart the service Cocosplate AI in the Windows Task manager. Only PostgreSQL databases > v.9.0 are supported.